Agent Commando
Because of the new Creators' failed experiments, the entire planet is on the verge of annihilation, because they ordered terrorists to plant special devices in specific areas of the Earth that damage the planet's magnetic field. Now that a genuine battle has begun, most countries have formed an organization named "Earth Shield" to discuss future plans to save and restore order. Obtain modern weapons and equipment, and penetrate the Arks to assassinate the Creators.
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XAPK Installer
How to install Agent Commando v1.0 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded XAPK Installer file.
2. Touch install and open it then select Agent Commando v1.0
3. Tap the downloaded Agent Commando v1.0 XAPK file.
4. Touch install.
5. Follow the steps on the screen.
- OS version: Android 6.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 65 Mb
How to Verify
1. Tap/Click Download Icon
2. Wait for 5secs and Tap/Click "Skip This Ad"
3. After Tap/Click a Tab will Pop-up "Just Close it" and then Tap/Click "Skip This Ad" again in current tab
4. Repeat the process
5. It will redirect to the download link
6. Follow the steps on the screen.