Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Sun: Origin v2.2.4 + Mod Menu

The Sun: Origin v2.2.4 + Mod Menu

The Sun: Origin

 This game will transport you to a post-apocalyptic setting where humanity was on the verge of extinction and you must wear an oxygen tank and gas mask to venture outside in the hot sun.
Turn off the water and go grab your own food, water, weapons, and everything else because even though the world has ended, you are still alive and still exist.
This game will transport you back to the era when a lot of people enjoyed playing Stalker.
They play extremely similarly, and the controls are also straightforward and enjoyable.

Available in Google Play


(Please use "Fullscreen Mode" for PC Users)



Download links of App


How to install The Sun: Origin v2.2.4 APK?

1. Tap the downloaded The Sun: Origin v2.2.4 APK file.

2. Touch install (Don't Open Yet)

3. Extract Cache to Android/Obb/Here

4. Follow the steps on the screen.

5. Enjoy


  • OS version: Android 5.0+ and up
  • Internet: not required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 606.2 Mb

How to Verify

1. Tap/Click Download Icon

2. Wait for 5secs and Tap/Click "Skip This Ad"

3. After Tap/Click a Tab will Pop-up "Just Close it" and then Tap/Click "Skip This Ad" again in current tab

4. Repeat the process

5. It will redirect to the download link

6. Follow the steps on the screen.