Tokyo Xanadu eX+
On that day, there was a hole in my “daily life”. An urban mythical action RPG thatconnects two worlds, “reality” and “other world”, is now available on Nintendo Switch™!
High school student Tokisaka Kou's daily life changed drastically since the night he met Eclipse. Numerous unexplained occurrences in the neighborhood.
What is the revelation that awaits at the conclusion of the investigation into the "Other World" mystery?
その日、“日常”に穴が空いた。「現実」と「異界」、2つの世界がつながる都市型神話アクションRPGがNintendo Switch™に登場!《異界化(イクリプス)》に遭遇した夜から、高校生《時坂洸(トキサカコウ)》の日常は一変した。周囲で巻き起こる不可解な事件の数々。《異界》の謎を巡る探求と、その果てに待ち受ける真実とは?
Download links of App
English Patch Instructions:
Step 1: Download the English Patch and Extract it.
Step 2: Open Ryujinx then locate the game
Step 3: Under the game itself if you right-click you will find "Open Atmosphere Mods Directory".
Step 4: Copy/Extract "romfs" to the Atmosphere Mods Directory then overwrite it.
Step 5: Have fun... Enjoy!
Yuzu Emulator Instructions:
Step 1: Install Yuzu. Got to the official Yuzu website and download the emulator.
Step 2: Set up keys and config files. Next, you need to download the keys for Yuzu from here.
Step 3: Set game directory.
Step 4: Adjust CPU and GPU settings.
Step 5: Nvidia Performance Settings – only if you have an Nvidia GPU.
Ryujinx Emulator Instructions:
Step 1: Install Ryujinx. Got to the official Ryujinx website and download the emulator.
Step 2: Set up keys and config files. Next, you need to download the keys for Ryujinx from here.
Step 3: Follow the guide on how to setup keys here!
Step 3: Set game directory.
Step 4: Adjust CPU and GPU settings.
- Yuzu & Ryujinx currently requires..
- • OpenGL 4.6 capable GPU
- • CPU that has high single-core performance.
- • It also requires a minimum of 8 GB of RAM.