Dead Space
You will be controlling an unknown third-person protagonist in this game. Vandal's mission is to get the government out of the way of the Church of Uni-theology so that religion can gain full power. Unlike many other shooters, the player cannot jump off cliffs or ledges with ordinary jumps. This is possible in places where there is no weight.
There are indicators of health, stasis charge, and, in rooms without air, the amount of remaining oxygen on the back of the player's spacesuit. These indicators are part of the X-ray, the spacesuit's internal AI. Moving objects, such as necromorphs or a rapidly rotating fan, can be slowed down by stasis. Player also has a kinesis module, which allows him to forcefully attract and throw various objects.
A player can use a Plasma Saw (new weapon) and his foot in hand-to-hand combat: a kick is a strong top on the floor, while the player is waving his hand horizontally around the circumference in front of him. The Dead Space game has a variety of weapons, some of which are mining tools. The sight and indicator for the current number of cartridges in the weapon are disabled in the normal state, but they are activated when the camera "jumps" over the character's shoulder in the aiming mode.
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How to install Dead Space HD v1.2.0 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Dead Space HD v1.2.0 APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
4. Enjoy
- OS version: Android 4.3+ and up
- Internet: not required
- Cache is already inside the app
- Requires free space: 350 Mb
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1. Tap/Click Download Icon
2. Wait for 5secs and Tap/Click "Skip This Ad"
3. After Tap/Click a Tab will Pop-up "Just Close it" and then Tap/Click "Skip This Ad" again in current tab
4. Repeat the process
5. It will redirect to the download link
6. Follow the steps on the screen.