Idle Superhero: Craft & Battle
Every person's survival on Earth is dependent on the current and future deeds of a superhero who wants to permanently eliminate all threats from space and drive them from our country.
Together with a special team, establish a covert organization where superheroes can grow and learn.
As their mentor, you can teach them new tactics and unique strategies for taking down enemies, among other things. Make every attempt to fend off evil in order to save humanity from its wretched predicament!
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How to install Idle Superhero: Craft & Battle v0.28 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Idle Superhero: Craft & Battle v0.28 APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
- OS version: Android 6.0+ and up
- Internet: not required
- Available cache download through the application
- Requires free space: 72.3 Mb
How to Verify
1. Tap/Click Download Icon
2. Wait for 5secs and Tap/Click "Skip This Ad"
3. After Tap/Click a Tab will Pop-up "Just Close it" and then Tap/Click "Skip This Ad" again in current tab
4. Repeat the process
5. It will redirect to the download link
6. Follow the steps on the screen.