Nayuta No Kiseki
Discovery awaits beyond the horizon!
The tale centers on Nayuta Herschel, a young aspirant scientist eager to explore what lies beyond the boundaries of the known universe. He had just returned to Remnant Island from his summer vacation with his childhood friend Cygna Alhazen when they were led into the Lost Heaven universe by the otherworldly fairy Noi.
(Please use "Fullscreen Mode" for PC Users)
Release Date
September 19, 2023
Publisher & Developer
NIS America
Rom Converter
Required Firmware
Base(Dumped)=16.0.3 (Atmosphere)(Sigpatches)
Download links of App
Yuzu Emulator Instructions:
Step 1: Install Yuzu. Got to the official Yuzu website and download the emulator.
Step 2: Set up keys and config files. Next, you need to download the keys for Yuzu from here.
Step 3: Set game directory.
Step 4: Adjust CPU and GPU settings.
Step 5: Nvidia Performance Settings – only if you have an Nvidia GPU.
Ryujinx Emulator Instructions:
Step 1: Install Ryujinx. Got to the official Ryujinx website and download the emulator.
Step 2: Set up keys and config files. Next, you need to download the keys for Ryujinx from here.
Step 3: Follow the guide on how to setup keys here!
Step 3: Set game directory.
Step 4: Adjust CPU and GPU settings.
- Yuzu & Ryujinx currently requires..
- • OpenGL 4.6 capable GPU
- • CPU that has high single-core performance.
- • It also requires a minimum of 8 GB of RAM.